Impossibly chic and equally yummy, Huguette has become one of my very favorite bistros in Paris. Nestled in Rue de Seine in the Saint Germaine des Pres neighborhood, my old stomping ground from college, I probably passed this place 30 times before I screwed up enough courage and composure to stop and ask the mâitre d' for a table. Not only did the oysters on table after table after table look irresistible, but the people populating the exterior banquette were clearly the chic-ist casual set of Parisians I have stumbled across.
Don't be deterred if the maitre d' says the wait will be a minimum of 45 minutes, the bar is equally delightful and I promise the people watching is to die for. And, also, when you aren't deterred and you don't leave, you might be surprised to find that it only takes a few minutes to actually be seated. If you get a seat outside, settle in and stay for a while. Languish the salty brine of the oysters and the crisp bright cocktails (rosé or an Áperol spritzer if you want to be très français), and all the chicness you can handle. You'll have a hard time finding a better evening.
The upscale "crab shack" design, contrived by proprieter Olivier Flottes, and realized by French architect/designer, Richard LaFond, it completely on point. Lafond even designed the chairs specially for Huguette, to add to the beachside feel.
I promise, this place will not disappoint. Though, I do think it's best in summer.